Brook and Lane

Blinging Dreams to Life

The Goal

Brook & Lane was a brand new venture that needed to start out their journey strong. Prior to working with them, their social media and Etsy shop had been the only means of reaching customers and allowing customers to order products. Though these were both great avenues to begin, they were not creating a sufficient path for growth.

Our goal was to create a scalable environment where they could start small then grow comfortably as their customer base and opportunities grew.

The Process

Nothing is more frustrating to a customer than a difficult-to-navigate site. So the first task for this site was to create something beautiful and elegant that was also clean and simple in navigation. We wanted to create a beautiful experience while removing as many barriers as possible for a client to find and purchase their dream piece from B&L’s collection.

For visitors who already knew they wanted to shop, we started with a clear and immediate path to the shop on first load of the site. Then, for those who might be looking for more information before diving into browsing products, in addition to including a sticky main navigation for quick reference, we also added various links for quick paths throughout the remainder of the homepage, all to lessen the amount of scrolling required to reach the shop.

The Result

Through the use of clear navigation and a clean design, Brook and Lane now has a beautiful digital home where they can welcome in their steadily growing customer base. Beyond the satisfying experience now available to their clients, B&L have now opened a whole new world of opportunities for their future. Not to mention getting out from under those Etsy fees…

In the realm of website design, where precision meets creativity, Squeaky Shoes Media is grateful for the chance to continue to play a small part in the bright future of Brook & Lane Jewelry.

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