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Toolbox Favorites

Building a website can feel overwhelming – even our team can spend hours researching and testing different tools. So we wanted to offer some help by sharing some of our favorites with you!

Speed / Ease

Salient is by far our favorite theme! Though there are many others that market more heavily, like Elementor and Divi, we. have yet to meet a theme that we like more! With templated sections for faster and easier building (or just design inspiration!) to a front AND backend editor, appealing to multiple types of learner, this theme is amazing.

As a theme with built-in page builder (WP Bakery), this means more functionality with less tools. The styling is beautiful and the elements included in the builder are constantly evolving! Not to mention they have a great support team! 🙂

If you’re looking for a theme to help you achieve a professional look without the need for code, this drag-and-drop Theme is a great place to start!

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Speed / Ease / Expanded Functionality

From Reviews to social media feeds to pricing tables, their customizable designs have been an invaluable tool for our team! With more than 85 pre-built, customizable widgets, Elfsight tools are an amazing way to speed up your site build!

One of our favorite parts is the fact that you can customize your subscription for what you need. Only need one widget? You can pay for just that one! Need multiple subscriptions for multiple sites? Purchase their full pack subscription that gives you access to all of their widgets at a discounted rate!

Though we are partial to building on WordPress, Elfsight’s easy-to-use embed option makes this tool an amazing resource for a variety of website builders.

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Organization / Contracts / Invoicing & Accounting

With contract and proposal templates, built-in banking and invoicing, HelloBonsai has been a huge help in our day-to-day business. One of the biggest time-savers so far has been their invoicing scheduling and reminder automations!

Building a business can be hard as you wear so many hats no matter what your official role is, and these automations have helped us to keep growing by providing an easier process for keeping up on our invoicing through their seamless and brand-able interaction with our clients.

As an up-and-coming CRM platform, they also take customer feedback very seriously. You can submit feedback for new features and fixes and their team is constantly expanding their tool based off of this feedback.

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Expanded Functionality

Though the theme and tools we use can do incredible things, sometimes you find situations where you might want to push your site a little further, or make adjustments that aren’t readily available in your settings. Or maybe you are troubleshooting and just want to understand the basics of what the code is even referring to! From big projects to small adjustments, W3 School’s HTML and CSS tutorials have been invaluable for our team!

You can find tutorials that teach you the basics to make small adjustments to text size and styling, increase your functionality in widgets, link text, etc. Each of their tutorials provide explanations behind each piece of the code to give you a foundation, then they provide templates you can copy and paste into your site, only needing to fill in the appropriate areas with your specific information (your link, your text, etc.). They also often provide usage examples to help you understand when each type of code might be used and how it will affect your content.

And the best part of all? They have hundreds of tutorials that are free!

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